Wednesday, June 8, 2022


The plot of this show makes no sense.  

Two nights before, on Friday, I sat and drank with my parents, 

Mom and I shared a bottle of wine and I also had a sour beer, and 

Dad had his Strongbows.  The TV was on, 

playing some old black and white movie.

Sometime around 2, it was vague, it was my birthday and I got these 

large lego blocks, sitting in the kitchen in front of the cabinets and 

everything was darker then, literally.

I remember being in the military base,

part of a fencing summer camp, I threw a plastic ball high in the air, 

it fell back down and hit me in the eye, 

I remembered having a juice box.  

I was playing soccer in the field after lunch, for once 

I made a good play, and the best player told me I was better 

than the kid who always bullied me, though I felt we were kindred spirits.  

Once he pulled my hair standing next to him by the hot tub at “teen night”, 

at the wave pool near the hospital where I was born.  

One time I was standing out front and somehow dropped my $20 bill, 

this girl I was with picked it up and I begged her to give it back

because my Mom gave it to me.  

There were moments in between, certainly, waiting for 

my parents to pick me up on the last day of grade 6,

more hot tub parties, the fort nearby for smoking weed with a guitar hero

guitar nailed to a tree.  It was overwhelming looking at old family photos, 

Grandpa with wires running out of his nose around his cheeks.  

I’m afraid of breathing problems, I cough a lot and have asthma. 

A proton pump inhibitor that I haven't taken in years, 

prescribed glasses but hadn't used them since grade 6 

when he called me “harry pothead”.